
美国《华尔街日报》2012年12月18日发表文章, 初步研究认为打一场高尔夫能达到许多剧烈运动同样的效果, 下面是译文:

你如果和自行车运动员说高尔夫是一项体育运动, 他们会不屑一顾。 但是, 一项新的研究认为,打一场高尔夫所获得的锻炼并不比骑自行车160公里获得的少。

这项研究发表在2012年圣诞版的英国医药研究杂志。 研究是基于从1896年到1936年间参加奥林匹克运动会的9889名选手的数据。 研究认为, 参加大活动量的运动比如自行车,划船等,并不比高尔夫或者曲棍球等运动有额外的帮助。

越来越多的研究认为,大量的剧烈运动或许不像人们想象的那样有助于你的持久力, 有些时候甚至起到副作用。 以前人们一致认为的通过运动获得的持久力,在超过一定的限度后, 不会再增长。 这个限度是什么还不好说, 比如每周跑32公里。

“During high intensive exercise the human body has to deal with all kinds of micro traumata. Over time, this will result in an accumulation of damage, which can be explained as a form of aging,” said Frouke Engelaer, an author of the study, conducted by a vitality-and-aging department at Leiden University Medical Centre in Leiden, Netherlands.

This research is too preliminary and controversial to trigger warnings against marathons and triathlons. And by all accounts it shouldn’t be used as an excuse for staying sedentary, which poses well-established risks of cardiovascular disease.

Apart from health, moreover, extreme fitness can induce euphoria. “When I was in my peak Ironman triathlon shape, I felt my absolute best,” said John Gamba, who writes a blog called Golfer Turned Triathlete.

Gamba, 42, doesn’t necessarily buy the idea that walking the links is just as good for him as running a half marathon. But his father does. “My dad just came up to me and said some doctor told him that triathlon and other intensive sports aren’t good for you,” said Gamba.

原文链接: 华尔街日报
